The five lines I chose from The Metamorphoses are from Book IV, Perseus and Atlas. Coming to the orchards of Atlas, Perseus asks the titan for permission to rest in his lands. Atlas, remembering a prophecy that he would lose his golden trees to such a visitor, tries to give Perseus the boot. Knowing he can't beat Atlas' strength, Perseus screams "Say hello to my little friend!" and gives Atlas a face-full of medusa. The lines I chose are those of Atlas' transformation into stone, which I believe is the most richly worded of Ovid's stories.
Great Atlas now became a mountain-mass
as huge as he had been; his beard, his hair
were changed to woods; his shoulders and his arms,
to ridges; what had been his head was now
a mountaintop; his bones were changed to stones.
While many of the transformations within the Metamorphoses are dramatic or stirring, none could match the awe I felt when visualizing this image. The thought of a giant, larger than any other being, instantly turning into a mountain range is too powerful a picture to be challenged.

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